Norton College

Norton College

11 - 19 School & Sixth Form Centre

"Pupils are prepared well for life after school"

Ofsted, 2023

I work hard to achieve my full potentialI am resilient and believe that anything is possible with effortI take pride in myself, my college and my communityI am confident, self motivated and ambitious to achieveI am known and respected as an individual.I engage in all aspects of college life with enthusiasm
a s p i r e

Year 8 Assessment Descriptors

Year 8 Assessment Descriptors

In Year 8, students’ achievement is reported twice per year (at the mid-point and end-point of the academic year). We report the results of these assessments on a 6-point scale: grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5 and grade 5+. A grade 5+ is the highest grade on this 6-point scale. In Year 9 we will introduce grades 6 and 6+. In Key Stage 4, students will move to a 9-point grading system where a grade 9 is the highest achievement in a GCSE qualification.  

 Year 8 Art.pdfDownload
 Year 8 Computing.pdfDownload
 Year 8 Drama.pdfDownload
 Year 8 English.pdfDownload
 Year 8 Food.pdfDownload
 Year 8 Geography.pdfDownload
 Year 8 Graphics.pdfDownload
 Year 8 History.pdfDownload
 Year 8 Maths.pdfDownload
 Year 8 MFL.pdfDownload
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