Norton College

Norton College

11 - 19 School & Sixth Form Centre

"Pupils are prepared well for life after school"

Ofsted, 2023

I work hard to achieve my full potentialI am resilient and believe that anything is possible with effortI take pride in myself, my college and my communityI am confident, self motivated and ambitious to achieveI am known and respected as an individual.I engage in all aspects of college life with enthusiasm
a s p i r e

Year 8 Information Evening

Year 8 Information Evening

Year 8 Parents' Information Evening took place on Thursday 26 September 2024. This was a face-to-face event with presentations from a range of key staff. This event provided key information on curriculum and assessment as well as guidance on how you can support your child to be successful. A copy of the PowerPoint from the evening has been uploaded to this page for your reference. 
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